Troop Shirts Table of Contents
Support the Wounded -Shop Stores that Support the Troops
updated September 12, 2006
FDNY Ladder 18 Engine 15 and Ladder 111 Engine 214 join Ladder 20 sending gifts to the troops. Lt. Colonel Kevin McMahon returns from Iraq to present gifts from more troops to the FDNY firefighters on the 5th Anniversary of 9-11-01.

Letters and pictures of Thanks and Progress from the Troops from Holidays 2005 to 2006.

The FDNY 911 T Shirt Museum. The FDNY artwork on the shirts donated from the closets of New York firefighters, and the t shirts that the troops sent back to the FDNY.

TroopShirts Movie 2005, Ladder 20 wears the shirts (on shift!) sent from the 4/5 Air Defense Artillery in return for the t shirts collected and donated by Engine 34 Ladder 21.
*Letters below are from the people in the 2004 Troop Shirts Movie.*
red asterisk (*) notes movie or audio files also
Messages to the Troops: 2003-2004

Messages from the Troops: 2003-2004

since June 29, 2004